We use the Model Publication Scheme for Universities, prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner. It is set out as a list of the kinds of information we will make available, unless:
- we do not hold the information
- it is exempt under one of the FOI exemptions or EIR exceptions
- it is inaccessible (for instance in databases)
- it would be impractical or take too much time to prepare the material for routine release.
The publication scheme also tells you how to request the information, or find it using a link to the relevant area.
Almost all publications listed are copyright of the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ. You may be infringing our copyright if you reproduce material supplied through the publication scheme, or in response to a request for information, without permission.
If any of the links don't work, you have a comment or complaint about the publication scheme, or you require further information, please contact compliance@gre.ac.uk.
1. Who we are and what we do
This section covers organisational information, structures, locations and contacts.
1.1 Legal framework
This is information relating to the legal and corporate status of the institution.
1.2 How the institution is organised
This is information about the management structure of the university, including a description of the Statutory Bodies and the organisational structure together with a description of the work of each unit and the names and responsibilities of key personnel.
1.3 Location and contact details
This is information about contact phone numbers and email addresses.
1.4 Organisations
This is information relating to organisations which the university has responsibility for, those it works in partnership with, those it sponsors and companies wholly or partially owned by it.
Description | How to find it |
Who are the university's educational partners? | Partner Institutions web pages |
Businesses and organisations may contact the Greenwich Research & Enterprise office
| |
For information about wholly or partially owned companies, please contact the Compliance Unit
| E-mail: compliance@gre.ac.uk |
1.5 Student activities
This is information relating to the operation and activities of the Students' Union and other clubs, associations and non-academic activities that are organised for or by the students.
Description | How to find it |
Information about the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ Students' Union Information about the Greenwich and Kent Students' Unions | |
Information about events held at the university, such as exhibitions, concerts, talks | Public events and lectures web pages |
Information about sports and recreation | Sports web pages |
2. What we spend, and how we spend it
This is financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.
2.1 Funding / income
This is information on the sources of funding and income, such as Funding Council grants, tuition fees, endowment, rents and investment income (including investment strategy).
2.2 Financial statements, budgets and variance reports
Financial information to allow the public to see where money is being spent, where it is or has been planned to spend it and the difference between the two.
Description | How to find it |
University annual financial accounts - the financial year runs to end of July, and that year's annual accounts are normally available by December of that year | |
Details of expenditure over £25,000, including costs, supplier and transaction information should be requested from the Compliance Unit | Request from the Compliance unit at compliance@gre.ac.uk |
Information on financial performance by operating unit and income and expenditure categories - available in the financial statement | |
2.3 Financial audit reports / capital programme
This is information on major plans for capital expenditure including any private finance initiative and public private partnership contracts.
Description | How to find it |
Information of this type should be requested from the Director of Finance, Reginald Daly | E-mail: R.V.Daly@gre.ac.uk |
2.4 Financial regulations and procedures / staff allowances and expenses
This is details of the allowances and expenses that can be claimed or incurred.
Description | How to find it |
Financial regulations and procedures can be requested from the Compliance Unit
| Request from the Compliance unit at compliance@gre.ac.uk |
Information on staff allowances and expenses can be requested from the Compliance Unit | Request from the Compliance unit at compliance@gre.ac.uk |
Information about the Vice-Chancellor's expenses can be found on the website | Vice-Chancellor's expenses web page |
2.5 Staff pay and grading structures
This is information about the salaries for staff.
Description | How to find it |
Information about salaries of senior staff can be found in the financial annual accounts
| |
Information about pay scales and ranges is on the HR web pages | Pay and pensions web pages |
2.6 Register of suppliers / procurement and tender procedures and reports
This is details of procedures used for the acquisition of goods and services. Contracts available for public tender and reports of successful tenders.
Description | How to find it |
For more information about procurement and tender procedures and contracts please look at the Procurement web pages, or contact them through their contact details
| |
2.7 Contracts
Description | How to find it |
For more detailed information about contracts contact the Compliance unit | Request from the Compliance unit at compliance@gre.ac.uk |
2.8 Research funding
This is high level information about research funding from public sector sources and research funding from commercial sources where appropriate.
Description | How to find it |
For more information look at the university's Research web pages. For information about research funding look at the university's annual accounts | Research web pages |
3. Our priorities, and how we are doing
This is information about our strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews.
3.1 Internal procedures
This is information on the university's internal procedures for assuring academic quality and standards and qualitative data on the quality and standards of learning and teaching.
Description | How to find it |
The university's strategic plan 2017 - 2022 |
The university's annual report - financial
| |
The university's policies and strategies
| Policies and strategies web page |
3.2 External and internal audit; review information
This is information such as the annual monitoring and review process together with a statement of roles, responsibilities and authority of different bodies within the institution involved in programme approval and review.
| How to find it
Information about the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) | |
Information about internal audit at the university can be found in the annual accounts
Audit Committee minutes
| Audit Committee web pages |
3.3 Corporate relations
This is information relating to the university's links with employers and sponsors, in both the public and private sectors, and the development of learning programmes.
3.4 Government and regulatory bodies
This is for example accreditation and monitoring reports by professional, statutory or regulatory bodies and information that an institution is legally obliged to make available to its funding and / or monitoring bodies.
| How to find it
Information about the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) | |
Key facts about the university's students and staff, as compiled by the Planning & Statistics unit. Further information may be available from HESA | Key Facts web pages |
3.5 Compliance with duties under the Equality Act 2010
This is information produced as part of these duties.
4. How we make decisions
This is information about decision making processes and records of decisions.
4.1 Minutes from governing body, academic boards and steering groups
Description: This contains information relating to minutes of meetings where key decisions are made about the operation of the university, excluding material that is properly considered to be private.
Availability: Exemptions will be claimed for those publications referring to matters of commercial interest, or falling within other exempt areas.
5. Our policies and procedures
This is information about current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities.
5.1 Policies and procedures for conducting university business
This is information such as codes of practice, memoranda of understanding, procedural rules, standing orders, procedures for handling requests for information.
5.2 Procedures and policies relating to academic services
This is information covering such matters as honorary degrees, procedures for changing course, regulations and policy on student assessment, appeal procedures and policy on breach of assessment regulations.
5.3 Procedures and policies relating to student services
This is information including policies relating to student admission and registration, accommodation, management of the student records system, the assessment of external qualifications, internal student complaints and appeals, student support services and code of student discipline.
5.4 Procedures and policies relating to human resources / pay policy statement
This includes human resources policies and procedures such as generic terms and conditions of employment, collective bargaining and consultation with trade unions, grievance, disciplinary, harassment and bullying, public interest disclosure, staff development such as induction, probation, appraisal, promotions.
5.5 Procedures and policies relating to recruitment
This includes details of current vacancies.
5.6 Policies, statements, procedures and guidelines relating to equal opportunities
Code of conduct for members of governing bodies / equality and diversity policies; equality scheme. This includes policies, statements, procedures and guidelines relating to equal opportunities.
5.7 Health and safety / estate management
This includes disposals policy, estates strategy and plan, facilities management policies, grounds and building maintenance.
5.8 Complaints policy
This includes those covering requests for information and operating the publication scheme.
| How to find it
Information about the student complaints process |
For staff who have a grievance please consult the procedure
| |
5.9 Records management and personal data policies / fileplans
This includes information security policies, records retention, destruction and archive policies, and data protection (including data sharing) policies.
5.10 Research policy and strategy
This includes quality assurance procedures, policy and procedures relating to intellectual property, ethics committee terms of reference, applications and their approval, and any other relevant codes of practice. This will include policy, strategy and procedures relating to knowledge transfer and enterprise.
Description | How to find it
For information about research at the university look at the web pages | Research web pages |
Information about the Research Ethics Committee, including policy
| Research ethics committee web pages
The university's Intellectual Property policy | |
Information about business and enterprise
| |
5.11 Publicly funded research outputs and data
This includes information on publicly funded research.
Description | How to find it
For information about research at the university look at the web pages. For further information contact the Compliance unit | Research web pages Contact Compliance unit at compliance@gre.ac.uk |
5.12 Charging regimes and policies
Details of any statutory charging regimes, charging policies including charges made for information routinely published.
6. Lists and registers
This is information contained in currently maintained lists and registers.
6.1 Information normally recorded on an asset register
Any information we are currently legally required to hold in publicly available registers / asset registers / information asset register
This is information normally recorded on an asset register, along with some other information from capital asset registers.
Description | How to find it |
Information about assets can be viewed in the annual accounts | |
6.2 CCTV
This is information about CCTV surveillance cameras.
Description | How to find it |
Information about CCTV | |
6.3 Disclosure logs
6.4 Register of interests
Register of interests / Register of gifts and hospitality provided to senior staff / Senior staff's declaration of interests
This includes details of gifts given or received; details of any hospitality afforded and by which organisation.
Description | How to find it |
For information about register of interests, gifts and declaration of interests contact the Compliance unit | Contact Compliance unit at compliance@gre.ac.uk |
7. Our services
This is information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters.
7.1 Services which are provided by the university
Services which are provided by the university, internationally, nationally and locally for example, prospectus, services for outside bodies, course content, course fees, funding such as grants and bursaries available to students, services for which the university is entitled to recover a fee together with those fees, welfare and counselling services, health including medical services, careers, chaplaincy services, sports and recreational facilities, facilities relating to music, art and other cultural activities, museums, libraries, special collections and archives, including guides to collections and scope and availability of catalogues.
Description | How to find it |
Information for prospective students about the university's courses
| Study at Greenwich web pages |
How to apply to the university
| How to apply web pages |
Information for international students
| Applications for international students web pages |
Term dates
| |
Tuition fees | Tuition fees web pages |
Information for students at the university, including welfare and counselling, medical services, careers, chaplaincy services, library services including IT and library catalogue, financial services, accommodation | Student & Academic Services web pages |
Information for students about sports facilities | Sports web pages |
The Students' Union at the Çï¿ûÊÓƵ | |
Information about using the university's historical archive | Historical archive web pages |
For information about the contents of the university's historical archive, please access the AIM25 website and search for "Çï¿ûÊÓƵ" | |
Information for former students and staff | Alumni web pages |
Information for businesses and organisations | |
Information about events held at the university, such as exhibitions, concerts, talks | Public events and lectures web pages |
7.2 Other services
For example conference facilities, advice and guidance, media releases.
Description | How to find it |
Information about facilities for conferences and events |
Information about public relations | Media team contacts web page |