Make a donation

And remove the barriers to education, enrich the student experience and have a lasting impact on the wider community.

Thank you for choosing to give to Greenwich.

We are proud to count you among our supporters.

Please complete the short form below to make a single donation.

  • £25 could provide a student the cost of travel for one week
  • £50 could provide a student with emergency funding for groceries
  • £100 could subsidise a vital piece of equipment for a sports club, giving students access to sports and reducing the financial burden on individuals
  • £200 could fund projects that make an impact on the wider the community
  • £500 could support a student who is a parent with childcare costs ensuring they can continue to study
  • £1,000 could fund an internship ensuring students get ahead in the job market by learning new skills and making sector contacts

You can also set up a monthly donation which will support our long-term planning where the need is greatest and urgent funding priorities.


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